Tuesday, 10 May 2016

हिन्दी :    * सुलेख मे 14 पेज तक करो 
               * कार्यपत्रिका मे पाठ 1 , 2  और 3 करो (उड़ान के आख़िर में )


ENGLISH : * In A4 size paper write 10 proper nouns and 10 common noun with pictures.
                    * Cursive writing from pages 3 to 15

MATHS :    * Learn and write 1 to 5 tables
                    * Make abacus by sticking the bindis in A4 size paper, taking any 10 three digit numbers.
                    * learn and write 100-200 number names

E.V.S :         * Make a family tree on A4 sheet. Paste pictures of your family members on it.Mention   your relation with them and their favorite food co lour and games.